This site is still very much under construction. Currently, there is no search, no RSS/Atom feeds, no permalinks, etc.. But, I don’t want to postpone writing while I build out non-essential infrastructure. This handcrafted index serves as a good-enough entry point into most of my writings while I continue to work on out the rest of this site’s infrastructure. Stay tuned.
The following entries are most like traditional blog posts. Some relate to technical experiments, some are personal reflections about the craft.
Summarizing articles is a useful exercise. It’s useful for me as the summarizer because it demands active focus. As a summary reader, I appreciate summaries because they help you effectively determine if an article is worth (re)reading. Furthermore, when you stream someone else’s summaries, such as with an RSS feed, you get exposed to a broader set of ideas than you would otherwise be exposed to.
The following entries are summaries of other people’s work. The author and source are credited within each entry. This is not a particularly well-curated list of summaries, but curation is a future goal.
Writings found here are intended for myself. That’s not to say that they are private. Rather, it means that the intended audience is me, not you. I make no effort in this space to say anything meaningful to anyone else. This space is where half-baked ideas and wild speculations acrete. In fact, in this space, I’m liable to post things that I might not fully believe in myself. Still, sometimes useful things emerge from this space, so I publish in case something is incidentally useful for someone else.
I trust that none will stretch the seams in putting on the coat, for it may do good service to him whom it fits. –Henry David Thoreau, Walden